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Meeting Minutes
December 14, 2009
Memorial Town Hall

MEMBERS PRESENT:         Mark Johnson, Mary Ricker, Jamie Terry

MEMBERS ABSENT:   Martha Waite, Andrea Crete, Board of Health Agent

OTHERS PRESENT:  Debra Sciascia, Recording Secretary, Randy Mizereck, Consultant

M. Johnson called the Board of Health Meeting to order at 5:03 PM.


Malden/Stearns Ln - Lot 81R, Map 150/Parcel 33: James B. Kalloch, P.E. for C.B. Blair Developmental Corp. New Construction. Dan Leahy represented the plans. There is a ZBA variance, and a copy of the letter for the file. All revisions have been added to the plan.

1. If the reserve area is proposed as a specification, an impervious barrier will be required.

J. Terry motioned to approve with condition #1. M. Johnson seconded. All in favor, APPROVED.

Mixter Road, Lot 2 (Map 150/Parcel 33): Andrysick Land Surveying for John McManus. Submitting revisions for new construction.

1. The Locus Map needs attention because it doesn't make sense.
2. Verify the lot size as it relates to nitrogen loading, due to the fact that the well and septic are on the one property.
3. The map and parcel need to be verified on the application.
The Board TABLED these plans for another meeting.

• October 19, 2009: M. Ricker motioned to approve. J. Terry seconded. Vote 4-0, approved.

Next Meeting: Undecided

M. Johnson motioned to adjourn the Board of Health meeting. M. Waite seconded. All in favor.

Meeting Adjourned at 6:05 PM.

December 14, 2009 minutes approved: March 22, 2010